We know a lot of people haven't seen the "Cool Micer Original T-Shirt". So for those who haven't, here it is! The first t-shirt:) Aw man, I can't explain the excitement behind getting this one printed. The orders we placed for this tee just came in right before spring break. But I just had to come up with a plan to disperse em. So, I decided these tees go directly to the street team. With the tees, they also got flyers and t-shirt order forms. They're gonna get orders for the tees mainly on campus (SC Governors School campus). So to all those on campus, and those within reach of the street team, make sure you get your order in. We're gonna try and get all the orders we can by April 15th. So ask around if your'e on campus. Btw all tees are $19.99, and we only take cash. We know times are hard, but that's mad reasonable for an ill tee now-a-days. Plus we're only heading for the top. So grab on, for real. Oh yeah, the photoshoot for the "Original T" is on Wednesday, April 9th. Shout out to my mans Neesmith for making the shoot possible. I'll make sure to post the whole photoshoot on here too. Here's some more pics of the Original T though. Enjoy! Until the next post, much love. Peace!
Signature logo on the back yoke of the tee
box of the blue and black original tees
Logo on back of black tee 
The design on front of the "Original T"
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